The Elementary School
6-12 years old

"Help me think by myself"

Before the age of 6, the child builds everything that constitutes his personality. It is important now that they develop as a member of society.

Excellence and fulfillment continue in elementary school.

The educational program for children ages 6 to 12 is part of a much larger picture, and of course takes into account the developmental characteristics of this age group. The goal of cosmic education is to accompany the child in his or her development and to help him or her become a responsible citizen aware of his or her cosmic mission. Awareness of one's humility encourages responsible action and motivates one to do one's part in the global order. Intellectual work is nourished by emotional and physical qualities. The classroom is not a closed space, but a part of the child's life.

At La Chrysalide, our role is to allow children to perceive their place - both modest and yet so powerful - in this balanced whole. Not by appealing to their intellect, data or knowledge, but by making them feel, in their heart and soul, that they are both insignificant and terribly precious, so that they are filled with a sense of humility, respect, love and caring.

In a 6-12 year old environment, the material and approach respond to the intellectual and psychic needs of the child, to his need to understand the world around him and to be part of it.

Excellence and fulfillment continue in elementary school

The educator relies on different historical narratives to convey a sense of wonder, to arouse curiosity and interest in further exploration, to deepen certain points and to acquire more specific and transdisciplinary knowledge.

Geography, through the story of the creation of the earth

The nature of things, the structure of the earth, the sun and the earth, study of air, study of water, life on earth, economic life, political geography...

History, through the story of the appearance and evolution of life

The history of nature, the concept of time, the history of humanity...

Language, through the story of our alphabet

The history of language, the history of paper, the study of language.

Mathematics, through the story of our numbers and the history of geometry

The foundation of numbers, operations, but also the fundamental elements, angles, plane figures, solids...


Botanicals, zoology, ecology...

Our Schedules


Monday - Thursday:
8:15am - 5:15pm
Friday: 8:15am - 1pm


Monday - Thursday :
8:15am - 3:45pm
Friday: 8:15am -12pm


Monday - Thursday:
8:15am - 4pm
Friday: 8:15am - 12:15pm

After School

Monday - Thursday: 4pm-5pm

Contact us

We will get back to you within 48 hours.


Bd Hassan 1er, cité Dakhla, Agadir