Positive Discipline

Or reinventing relationships at school? What if children went to school with a lighter heart? What if the school developed the richness of their skills?

Jane Nelsen, an American mother of seven children, a doctor of education and a school psychologist, discovered the thinking of Alfred Adler (1870-1937) and Rudolf Dreikus, and used it as the basis for her positive discipline approach.
With Lynn Lott, a family therapist, they created the Positive Discipline Association in the United States, which was the starting point for an international influence and the creation of branches in several countries, including Morocco.
Thanks to their creativity and pragmatism, the Positive Discipline approach now offers educators (school and home) a toolbox combined with a solid theory.

Practiced at school, here are its basic elements

Enable all teachers to develop the psychosocial skills of their students (self-awareness, emotional regulation, interaction, communication, cooperation, etc.)

Be benevolent to reinforce mutual respect and increase the student's sense of being encouraged. Encouragement, in the Adlerian sense of the word, means "to instill strength, to instill courage". The role of the teacher, according to Adler, is "to ensure that no child is discouraged in school, and that a child who comes to school discouraged regains confidence in himself and his abilities through the school and its teachers. This goes hand in hand with the vocation of the teacher, for education will only be possible if the child looks to the future with joy and hope.

Developing students' sense of ability to increase their confidence and self-esteem, one of the facets of encouragement.

To be aware of what the student thinks, feels and decides in order to help the teacher to have effective actions in the long term.

Connect with the student to strengthen their sense of belonging and importance. A sense of belonging is that deep feeling of being connected to another, of being connected. The sense of importance is brought to light not by over-valuing or flattery, but by the student's contribution and responsibility.

To summarize:

  • Positive emotions develop learning abilities

  • Caring leads to optimism and academic motivation

  • A happy student has a higher attention span

  • Positive discipline improves the overall atmosphere of a classroom

Our Schedules


Monday - Thursday:
8:15am - 5:15pm
Friday: 8:15am - 1pm


Monday - Thursday :
8:15am - 3:45pm
Friday: 8:15am -12pm


Monday - Thursday:
8:15am - 4pm
Friday: 8:15am - 12:15pm

After School

Monday - Thursday: 4pm-5pm

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Bd Hassan 1er, cité Dakhla, Agadir